RTL / ntv trend barometer: SPD increases again, Greens lose

RTL / ntv trend barometer
SPD increases again, Greens lose

The new federal cabinet is sworn in, the ministers have started their work. In the trend barometer, the SPD is gaining popularity for the second week in a row. The Union wins too. The Greens lose more clearly.

The traffic light coalition has started work and the Forsa trend barometer commissioned by RTL and ntv is on the move again. As in the previous week, the SPD has gained one percent in this: The Chancellor’s party now has 26 percent approval, as it did in the general election. The small coalition partners, on the other hand, give up: The Greens fall by two percentage points to 15 percent. As in the previous week, the FDP has 11 percent approval, after ranking up to 16 percent in the fall.

The Union is getting a little out of place. In the Sunday question, 23 percent of those questioned are in favor of the CDU and CSU. That is as many as last August. The AfD and the left stagnate at 10 and 5 percent approval. The proportion of voters from smaller parties is also stable at 10 percent.

Röttgen with voters before Merz

The formation of the government was closely followed by those surveyed: 43 percent named it as one of the most important issues. The farewell to Chancellor Angela Merkel was still 13 percent on the agenda. The corona pandemic remains the dominant political issue for those surveyed, with 79 percent mentioning it.

Meanwhile, the CDU continues the search for a new chairman. Respondents disagree about who is most suitable for the post. 21 percent of those surveyed name Friedrich Merz. That is three percentage points less than two weeks ago. Norbert Röttgen, on the other hand, gained one percentage point and moved up to first place with 23 percent of voters. 8 percent are in favor of the former head of the Chancellery, Helge Braun.

With the CDU voters, however, Merz is ahead: 36 percent of them consider the Sauerland to be suitable, 19 percent favor Röttgen. 9 percent see the Hessen Braun ahead.

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