Rumor: Dragon’s Dogma coming back soon?

Much like with Bloodborne, rumors surrounding the Dragon’s Dogma license abound, and it’s hard to disentangle the fake from the real. It must be said that Capcom’s strangely western RPG is popular despite its age, and many fans would like to finally discover the sequel, for its game mechanics on the one hand, but also to discover what follows the rather mysterious end of the first opus. . It’s not for nothing that we list it among the games that most deserve a sequel.

This time the source is solid, even if it is not very specific since it is Hideaki Itsuno, the director and designer of several of Capcom’s licenses like Street Fighter Alpha, Devil May Cry and Dragon’s Dogma. In his end-of-year celebration message, in addition to his wishes, he pointed out that the next project has progressed well during the past year, and that we must look forward to it.

, and many fans would like to finally discover the sequel, for its game mechanics on the one hand, but also to discover what follows the rather mysterious end of the first opus. It’s not for nothing that we list it among the games that most deserve a sequel.

This time, the source is solid, even if it is not very specific since it is about Hideaki Itsuno, the director and designer of many of Capcom’s licenses like Street Fighter Alpha, Devil May Cry and Dragon’s Dogma. In his end-of-year celebration message, in addition to his wishes, he pointed out that the next project has progressed well during the past year, and that we must look forward to it.

This absolutely does not tell us what this new project is, and we do not have any elements that allow us to determine which license is concerned, as well as the type of game (remaster, sequel, etc.). There is also the possibility that this is a completely new license. There are nevertheless several elements that point in the direction of Dragon’s Dogma 2. The first dates back to 2019, Hideaki Itsuno had confided during a interview granted to VG247 that he had hesitated between Devil May Cry and Dragon’s Dogma 2 for his new project. Since he chose Devil May Cry V, it would seem logical that Dragon’s Dogma 2 would come next.

A Dragon’s Dogma anime was released at the end of 2020 on Netflix, it was missed, but the timing of the project is intriguing. This could be a way to prepare the ground for the second title by bringing potential new players with the license and offering them an accessible summary of the first game, without necessarily needing to invest dozens of hours in it. More recently, some of Capcom’s Twitter accounts, like the French one, have also started talking about the game again, as you can see below.

For the record, the original game was released in 2012, and its Dark Arisen expansion was released. in 2013, but that’s not all, Dragon’s Dogma was already entitled to a pseudo remaster in 2016 with the port of Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. There was even a Switch port in 2019, so Capcom doesn’t seem to be forgetting the license, and not overlooking any opportunity to expand its fanbase. This does not allow us to draw conclusions, but these different elements point towards Dragon’s Dogma 2. It remains to be discovered if this is indeed the case. An announcement could be made during the conferences related to E3 2022 in June.

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