“Rushed” in the residential building – tree accident is now rolled up with those involved

After the shock experience last week when a tree trunk crashed into a building while doing woodwork in Tyrolean Stams (Imst district), you cannot go back to the agenda in the village. The village chief asks everyone involved to meet at the beginning of November.

“I will not wait until something really bad happens”, these were the words of Stams’ mayor Markus Rinner when he saw the unbelievable picture in the Stams hamlet of Hauland last week. A tree trunk had set up its own woodwork around 300 meters above the settlement and thundered into the vestibule of Maurice Heger’s stable.

Fourth incident in five years
The house owner is now vehemently demanding measures to ensure that “something like this no longer happens”, because this is the fourth such event. “After the first ‘visit’ of a tree trunk to a neighbor five years ago, over ten people from various institutions came to see what happened, nothing happened,” criticizes Heger.

Mayor Rinner wants to ensure that “nothing happens” no longer happens. “I have invited the district forest inspection, the torrent, federal forests, forest owners and residents to the meeting on November 2nd,” he says to the “Krone”, “in order to first clarify the responsibilities and then the possible measures for the future.”

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