Russia reports Israeli airstrike in Syria – Tass

Aug 26 (Reuters) – Russian armed forces based in Syria said on Friday that four Israeli warplanes had dropped four cruise missiles and 16 laser-guided bombs on what they claim is a research center in the Syrian town of Masyaf , reports the Tass agency.

The Syrian army intercepted two missiles and seven bombs thanks to its Russian anti-aircraft defense systems, Tass added, quoting a Russian officer. The attack, he said, took place late Thursday evening.

Masyaf, which houses a medieval fortress, is located in western Syria, between Hama and Tartous, and not far from the Lebanese border. Israel says it regularly hits targets in Syria linked to Lebanese Hezbollah, armed by Iran and an ally like him of Syrian President Bashar al Assad.

(Report by David Ljunggren, French version Tangi Salan)

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