Russian jets bomb areas near Idlib

Russia and the Syrian army deny any attacks on civilians and do not comment on Sunday’s bombs.

Bombs are falling again on the outskirts of Idlib.

Khalil Ashawi / Reuters

(Reuters) The fighter planes flew at a great height. But according to the observatories, they are said to have been identified as Russian Russian Sukhoi jets. They allegedly bombed areas near the northwest Syrian city of Idlib that are controlled by rebels on Sunday. This was reported by witnesses and sources from around the rebels.

The jets had dropped projectiles on several towns and on a water pumping station that supplies the city of Idlib with more than a million inhabitants. An official from the city’s water utility said the station was out of order due to the attacks.

Russia and the Syrian army deny any attacks on civilians and do not comment on Sunday’s bombs. Eyewitnesses reported that cattle and poultry farms near the Bab al-Hawa border crossing with Turkey had also been hit in the past 24 hours. «The Russians focus on infrastructure and economic facilities. They want to increase the suffering of the people, “said Abu Hazem Idlibi, an official in the opposition administration.

Other targets were villages in the Jabal al-Zawiya region in the south of Idlib province, although there have been no reports of victims so far, according to residents and rescue workers. Civil Defense reported that two children and a woman were killed and ten civilians were wounded in a series of attacks west of Idlib on Saturday.

The air strikes had become less frequent since November after a new campaign under Russian leadership and the increased presence of the Turkish army raised fears that violence would flare up. Almost two years ago, an agreement between Russia and Turkey temporarily put an end to the fighting that had displaced more than a million people in just a few months. While Russia supports the armed forces of Syrian President Bashar al-Asad, Turkey supports the opposition groups.

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