Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney: Actors pay football fans for gin and tonics

Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney
Actors pay football fans for gin and tonics

Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney are joint owners of a football club.

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Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney bought a football club a year ago. To celebrate, the two 365 give out gin and tonics.

Ryan Reynolds (45) and Rob McElhenney (44) spend a handsome round. The two Hollywood stars pay 365 gin and tonics for football fans in a pub in Wrexham, Wales. They are thus celebrating the one-year anniversary of their purchase of the AFC Wrexham football club. The two drew attention to the campaign with a flyer in the bar. the Club has their message on his Instagram account shared with 83,000 followers.

Hollywood stars own a football club

Fans can tear strips off the flyer that say “This one goes to RR McReynolds.” This means that football fans can pick up one of the 365 gin and tonics for free. The two stars bought the football club twelve months ago. They allegedly invested £2 million in the club at the time. Due to the international attention, he has since been sponsored by TikTok and Expedia, among others. The brand of gin that is served is also named as a sponsor: Aviation Gin.

A few years ago, this belonged to Reynolds himself. According to media reports, the Hollywood star sold the brand in 2020 for 610 million US dollars. However, Reynolds will reportedly be the face of the brand for the next ten years.


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