Sand Land: join us at 4 p.m. on Twitch to see the game on airGPU!

If you need to warm up a bit, come hang out on our Twitch channel with Sand Land. This is also an opportunity to introduce you to a new service cloud computing : airGPU.

The link won’t give you much info (except for English speakers here), but we will explain all this to you in detail during the session. Please note that you can support the site if you subscribe to this service. For those who know the principle of this system, the essential difference lies in the payment method (here you pay by the hour, no monthly subscription).

Come discuss the Sand Land game, while discovering airGPU technology.

You can also learn more about the game while reading our test, or by watching certain videos on our YouTube channel.

thumbnail editorNicolas Balaguer
An avid traveler of virtual worlds for over three decades, I have visited thousands of different universes and gameplays. All these journeys have allowed me to shape my existence on this earth and live superb stories in this life.

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