Sanofi anti-Covid vaccine: “I hope we will get there in the coming weeks”, says Olivier Bogillot

Olivier Bogillot, president of Sanofi France, declared this Sunday February 6 on CNEWS that the tricolor laboratory vaccine against Covid-19 was not buried and that he hoped for major advances in the weeks to come.

If the vaccine against Covid-19 from the French pharmaceutical laboratory Sanofi is still not available, the president of Sanofi France, Olivier Bogillot therefore wants to be reassuring. “That does not mean that our vaccine will not arrive, we are still awaiting our results from our phase 3”, he explained to Jean-Pierre Elkabbach during his program “Repères”.

A mandatory test phase to allow a file to be presented to the regulatory authorities. However, things seem to be progressing for the Frenchman who has fallen considerably behind his main competitors.

“We have presented results of booster vaccines which are good, so the teams are working with a lot of energy to get there and I hope that we can get there in the coming weeks”, explained Olivier Bogillot again.

Sanofi invests heavily in messenger RNA

A vaccine against Covid-19, which like those of Pfizer or Moderna, will be based on messenger RNA. “Sanofi learned all the lessons from this crisis very early on and today we have made major investments to be able to produce messenger RNA vaccines, which are the ones that have come to light in this crisis”, Olivier Bogillot said again before d adding that in the future, “out of ten vaccines in our vaccine portfolio, six will be messenger RNA, it shows that we are in the running.”

If Sanofi has fallen far behind in making the vaccine against Covid-19, the group is nevertheless recording good financial results. A situation that Olivier Bogillot attributed to the quality of the drugs and vaccines distributed worldwide by the company. “When you have very good results, you have good products.”

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