Sarah Fraisou victim of domestic violence? Blogger Aqababe swings!

It was last March that Sarah Fraisou divorced Ahmed. If the reason for their break-up had not been disclosed, the influencer dropped a bombshell in her Snapchat story on December 22, 2021. While blogger Aqababe claimed that Ahmed would have been violent with Sarah Fraisou, the latter took the word.

After having suffered many times in love, it is alongside Ahmed, met during the filming of The Villa of Broken Hearts in 2019, that Sarah Fraisou had found happiness. The couple had even married, but divorced in March 2021. Until then, the two ex-lovers had decided not to talk about the reasons for this separation.

But blogger Aqababe has just said that Sarah Fraisou would have been the victim of verbal and physical violence by her ex-husband. “The reason for their breakup? Sarah’s poor jeans with holes, he assures. It makes me laugh softly because on TV, more particularly on TFX, we will see Ahmed cry while saying that he suffered in love when it is totally false. Ahmed was leading Fraisou by the tip of his nose. He was violent and did crazy things. Be aware that when filming The Battle of the Couples, in the middle of the sequence filmed in the bedroom, he suspected Fraisou of being pregnant and told her: ‘Lay down on the bed and I’ll put two or three potatoes in your stomach.’ She begged the production never to broadcast the footage “, he wrote in his Instagram story.

You will understand the year I spent “

After these statements, the candidate of Reality tv angels received many messages on social networks and wanted to respond. In her Snapchat story, Sarah Fraisou promises to “tell truths”. “I’m waiting to see what Calimero 2.0 will come out to tell the truth. I’ll assume everything with supporting evidence! You will understand the year that I spent shutting my mouth, protecting, being psychologically damaged, thinking that I was the cause of the problem. […] Yes, I lost weight because this person asked me to! I would go so far as to make myself throw up to reach the weight this person gave me“, she said, before continuing: “No one knows what I went through. Before I thought I had come across narcissistic perverts and manipulators. But here we have reached the pinnacle “. For now, Ahmed has not reacted to these accusations.

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