Scam: – False police unbuttoned 75-year-old savings

Because there had been burglaries in a small town in south-eastern Styria, two false police officers contacted a 75-year-old on Sunday to keep her savings. Unfortunately, the pensioner’s good faith robbed her of a considerable amount of cash and jewellery!

There had been a burglary in the neighborhood. A 75-year-old woman from Southeast Styria was informed of this on the phone on Sunday evening. Your supposed counterpart: the police. So that she does not succumb to the same fate, the strangers offered to keep all cash and valuables for her temporarily and asked her to have everything ready until they could be picked up. Men wanted to bring their savings back the following day No sooner said than done! Just a few hours later, the unknown men arrived at the 75-year-old. They also asked for other valuables – intimidated by the appearance, the woman complied with the request and got more jewelry and cash, handing over all her savings. These are likely to amount to a considerable sum. However, because the men did not bring everything back the next day as promised, the pensioner filed a complaint with the correct police on Tuesday. The investigation has been going on ever since. According to the description, the two perpetrators are said to be men between 30 and 50 years old with black hair and a full beard. Real police warns: “Call the emergency call immediately!” Fortunately, further fraud attempts in Styria in the past few days have been unsuccessful. The police warns urgently: Hours of phone calls with the alleged police could be a warning sign of such cases of fraud. The officials would never ask for valuables in this way. They also advise: If you suspect something, call the emergency number 133 immediately.
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