Scarce for stamp duty and media package

Parliament and the authorities could experience a triple defeat in the February 13th vote. This is what the results of the first SRG trend survey suggest.

There is a stalemate in the votes on February 13th with regard to media funding.

Peter Klaunzer / KEYSTONE

On February 13, the Swiss electorate votes on four proposals. Now the first SRG trend survey, which was published on Friday, reveals where the journey could lead.

There is a no-tendency when it comes to stamp delivery. When companies issue equity, they have to deliver 1 percent of it to the federal government. Parliament wants to abolish this tax. The SP held a referendum against this government bill. In the arguments of the opponents of the bill, large companies would already be favored in terms of taxation anyway. This argument seems to be fruitful, 49 percent would currently vote no, only 42 percent would accept the government bill.

SRG poll on the votes on February 13th

There is a stalemate in media funding. It is about funding measures for the Swiss media. The money should primarily go to print media, the association and member press and online media. 48 percent of those surveyed support the proposal, just as many reject it according to the SRG trend survey. The argument that democracy will be strengthened by the package of measures falls on fertile ground. However, many also reject a protectionist role for the state on this issue.

The initiative for the prohibition of animal and human experiments is given little chance. 48 percent reject it, 45 are for it. Because initiatives often start with a sympathy bonus in the voting campaign, the opponents could extend their lead until February 13th.

The initiative “Yes to the protection of children and young people from tobacco advertising”, on the other hand, is seen as having a good chance. 73 percent of those questioned want to vote “yes” to this question. However, the number of stands could get in the way here.

According to the political scientist Martina Mousson, women in particular are behind a ban on advertising tobacco and the majority also oppose the abolition of the stamp duty. If it were up to the female respondents, the animal experiment initiative would probably be accepted, Mousson told SRF.

SRG SSR commissioned the survey from the research institute gfs.bern. Between December 17, 2021 and January 3, 2022, 10 083 voters were surveyed. In addition, the information from 8,842 voters who were interviewed online was used for the evaluation.

Mousson says that the authorities are currently on the defensive is not the rule when it comes to government submissions. The GfS expert emphasizes that although there is no fundamental criticism of the authorities or the Federal Council, the vast majority of the population trusts them, but that authority documents are no longer simply waved through.

It is not yet clear why this is. Something new may have arisen in the context of the pandemic. In addition, one is confronted with an increased willingness to participate in the polls. Suggestions classified as left may also gain popularity. The CO2 law was rejected, the care initiative was accepted and the group responsibility initiative only failed because of the number of stands.

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