Scarf for life 2021: “Please take part again this year!”

Scarf for life 2021
“Please take part again this year!”

© Andreas Sibler

With the new “scarf for life” we can give hope to Syrian refugee children in 2021 as well. An appeal from BRIGITTE editor-in-chief Brigitte Huber.

Dear reader,

do you also have a favorite vintage? For actress Anke Engelke, it’s the 2018, full of character, varied, with bright accents. A friend swears by the 2019, which has two very different sides. I actually like them all. For some it was love at first sight, for others it took a while. Ultimately, however, I have all grown dear to my heart.

You guessed it, this is not about wine, it is about the “scarf for life”. For the eighth time, together with the children’s rights organization Save the Children and the support of many celebrities, we are starting our big aid campaign for the benefit of Syrian refugee children. Because even if their fate after a decade of war, flight and destruction no longer makes the headlines, they must not be forgotten. People need our help more than ever. Right where you are. In a camp in Syria or a neighboring country.

In the learning and play areas set up by Save, for example, children find education, security, and perhaps a new perspective. Sometimes it is also comparatively small amounts of money that can turn a fate under certain circumstances. Like that of eight-year-old Walid, who was selling paper handkerchiefs on the street and can now finally go to school because his family is financially supported. So a door opens in his life that seemed to have already slammed shut.

Please support us again this year. Knit or order the “scarf for life”: Together we can open doors and give hope!

Your BRIGITTE HUBER, editor-in-chief


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