School overwhelmed by omicron, Hidalgo moves away from primary, death of Sidney Poitier …

It’s almost the weekend, here is the main news of this Friday, January 7.

The news

In middle and high schools, Covid, protocols and absences: “The situation is completely unlivable”. Nearly 50,000 students have tested positive for the coronavirus since Monday. About thirty school structures and more than 9,000 classes had to close. Never seen since the spring of 2021. Story based on the cases of a high school and a college. In addition, surgical masks will be distributed “in mid-January” in schools, announced Secretary of State Nathalie Elimas. All the info in our live.

Anne Hidalgo moves away from the primary. “Everyone will therefore wear their colors, it will be more difficult but the policy has some nice surprises in store,. I’m sticking to it, I’m going “, Anne Hidalgo told Release. The socialist candidate, who goes to Jarnac on Saturday for the anniversary of the death of François Mitterrand, has therefore taken note of Yannick Jadot’s refusal to participate in the primary and is therefore preparing, without illusions about his chances of victory, to continue his campaign. Our article.

Hunger strike for the union of the left: “We no longer have time to wait”. A dozen activists, including MEP Pierre Larrouturou, stopped eating from this Friday to urge left-wing leaders to present a single presidential candidacy. They call for going beyond the “Slight differences” program between the contenders. Our article.

In the Pantheon alongside Van der Leyen, Macron is eyeing European leadership. To mark the first week of the French presidency of the Council of the EU, the Head of State invited the President of the European Commission to a tribute ceremony to Simone Veil and Jean Monnet at the Panthéon before a press conference. Where they spoke with one voice: France’s mandate will be combined with the ambition of a “new model of European growth ”. On the table also, the construction site of the Defense Union. The geopolitical situation means that the EU takes a stand ”, hammered. But to the question “what does the EU intend to do concretely in the face of sending Russian troops to Kazakhstan (in insurgency for a week)?” the President preferred to hand the floor over to his host. But the latter had nothing concrete to answer either on the subject of negotiations with Russia or of a specific European position vis-à-vis NATO. Our article.

January 2015 attacks: “The more we chain the horrors, the more things are erased.” Seven years after the jihadist attacks against the editorial staff of “Charlie Hebdo” and the HyperCacher, Anne Hidalgo and Gérald Darmanin attended sober commemorations in Paris. A tribute that no longer attracts many people. Our report.

French footballer Benjamin Mendy, accused of seven rapes in England, released on bail. The world champion defender, in pre-trial detention since August 2021, was released on bail this Friday afternoon. His trial, originally scheduled for January 24, is scheduled to take place on June 27 or August 1. Our article.

Afghanistan: the Taliban forced to call for help to feed the population. Five months after the Taliban took power and without international aid, Afghanistan sank into one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises. Islamic fundamentalists appeal for international solidarity. Our article.

Sidney Poitier, the first black Oscar-winning actor, has died at the age of 94. Passionate about cinema and activist for civil rights across the Atlantic, the American and Bahamian actor died this Friday. He had become, in 1964, the first black actor to receive an Oscar, for “the Lily of the fields”. Our necro and slideshow: Sidney Poitier in 9 films.

Also read on

At the Sorbonne, minister and intellectuals deconstruct “wokism”. Racialism, new feminism, “cancel culture”… The first day of the conference on the question of deconstruction, in which Jean-Michel Blanquer participated, took place in a room reserved for speakers and without contradiction. Our report.

The National Assembly under pressure after accusations of harassment against two deputies of the majority. A former collaborator of the deputy Benoît Simian (ex-LREM) testifies to the inappropriate behavior that this one maintained with her. At the same time, LREM deputy Sira Sylla is targeted for her brutal working methods. Faced with these two cases, the National Assembly remains silent. Our article.

“We still respect the function”: a mayor of Tarn-et-Garonne restores his portrait to Macron. Nils Passedat, city councilor of Lavaurette, a small town in Tarn-et-Garonne, said to himself “outraged” by the presidential remarks on his “Want to piss off the unvaccinated”. With the introduction of the vaccine pass, he also criticizes a policy “discriminatory” between French. Our interview.

Les Crocs, 20 years of concentrated ugly. Lonely Planet, Lay’s, Hollywood … These brands are celebrating their anniversary in 2022, an opportunity to look back on their genesis and their impact. Today, the resin clogs which, between bad taste and trendiness, for some embodies an intergenerational missing link. Our article.

The “New York Times” buys “The Athletic” and approaches 10 million subscribers. The American daily announced that it had reached an agreement to get its hands on the sports news site launched in 2016. The transaction for an amount of 550 million dollars should allow the newspaper to further expand its number of subscriptions. Read our article. Our article.

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