Schwanden GL – Geologist: “The landslide was a matter of time” – News


A specialist criticizes the Glarner authorities and says he warned early on about the dangers in Schwanden. The community does not want to hear them.

Just over a week ago, a landslide occurred in Schwanden, a district of Glarus Süd. Six houses were buried by the mud and 38 others badly damaged. Almost 100 people had to be brought to safety.

The terror on the ground still runs deep. It is unclear how unstable the slope is. There is great concern that further landslides could occur. A Glarner geologist is now criticizing the community and says the landslide could have been foreseen.

Spring warnings

On Tuesday, the news portal Watson reported for the first time on the allegations by geologist Mark Feldmann. Accordingly, he had already approached the authorities with his warning in the spring. In an interview with SRF, he explains: “I wasn’t really surprised that the landslides happened.”


Geologist Mark Feldmann in conversation with SRF.


The heavy rain in the previous days soaked the soil with water. “It was a matter of time.” In the past two or three years, one could have observed that landslides would occur. “This landslide has announced itself.”

In April of this year, Feldmann wrote an e-mail to the mayor of Glarus Süd, telling him that he was skeptical about the slope. His concerns were based on exploratory drilling on site that took place in December last year. “I know what came out of there. After evaluating these boreholes, it was clear to me that it should have been interpreted differently.”

View of a mass of rubble right next to a house on a slope in Schwanden


On August 30, the rubble masses made their way towards the village

KEYSTONE/Ennio Leanza

“I’m no stranger to the canton,” adds Feldmann. Nevertheless, the canton did not bring the different opinions to the table.

It’s one word against the other

Apparently, the warnings of the geologist did not reach the municipality of Glarus Süd. Mayor Hans Rudolf Forrer explains to SRF: “I am not aware of such an email.” When drilling the holes mentioned in the past, attention was paid to safety and appropriate measures were taken. “We involved two geology offices that enjoy our trust.”

At the community press conference a week ago, another geologist had already stated that the Wagenrunse area near Schwanden had been under observation for a long time. And indeed: five days before the momentous landslide, on August 29, there had been movement on the slope in the area.

The area was once rezoned, allowing the construction of houses. So have mistakes happened before? No, Feldmann thinks. ‘It’s old coffee. In our canton, wherever you look, things are going uphill.” But, says Feldmann, if you know that a landslide is imminent, “the houses have to be protected.”

Three men on podium at press conference


Mayor Hans Ruedi Forrer (centre) at the media conference on August 30, together with chief of staff Hanspeter Speich, staff officer of the Glarus cantonal police Richard Schmidt.


He therefore calls on the Glarner authorities – with a view to the future, in which landslides could accumulate – to also resort to experts outside the canton. In another case in the canton where there was a risk of landslides – namely in Braunwald – this had already happened.

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