Sea or mountains: for whom which holiday destination is the healthier one

Holidays in the mountains or by the sea ?: Sea or mountains: For whom which holiday destination is the healthier one

Holidays in Germany are becoming increasingly popular. But should it go to the sea or to the mountains? Opinions often differ on this question. Some prefer the far north, some prefer the Alps in the south. We’ll tell you which holiday destination is healthier for whom.

When it comes to the greater relaxation factor, tastes diverge when it comes to vacation.

For some, there is nothing better than looking down at the lush valleys and landscapes from the mountain vantage point.

The others are drawn back again and again to howling gulls and the endless blue horizon.

In addition to the pure relaxation factor, there are also health reasons that speak for either a stay in the mountains or a break by the sea.

Take a deep breath at the sea

The main factors are wind, UV radiation, salt, temperature and humidity, which make the climate on the seashore so unique.

Experts also speak of a “stimulating climate”. This initially puts a strain on the organism, but ultimately leads to the body adapting and becoming more resilient overall.

The intensity of the stimulating climate varies depending on the sea. The North Sea has significantly more salt than inland seas like the Baltic Sea.

In the Mediterranean, on the other hand, there is no cold stimulus that additionally stimulates the body in northern climes and thus particularly gets the immune system going.

Sea salt: the combined package for health

Overall, however, any proximity to the sea brings with it some health-promoting aspects in any case:

If you go for a walk by the sea, you breathe in the maritime aerosol. This contains salt water droplets, which penetrate the nasopharynx into the alveoli and can thereby positively counteract all forms of respiratory diseases.

Asthma, chronic bronchitis or sinusitis – the salty sea breeze can blow away all these diseases or at least significantly alleviate them.

In addition, the positive effects of salt are also reflected on the skin. You don’t even have to go swimming to do this.

Even during a hike, up to two grams accumulate on the skin. This loosens scales and the salt coating has a mild anti-inflammatory effect.

People with skin diseases such as eczema, neurodermatitis or psoriasis can particularly benefit from this.

Allergy sufferers also benefit from the fact that the air by the sea is poor in pollen and other pollutants. This can provide some relief, especially in spring, when the pollen is particularly intense.

Beware of high blood pressure by the sea

Since it is usually less humid by the sea, the heart and circulation are also relieved. The strong, mostly cooler wind also stimulates the circulation and is therefore ideal for people with poor circulation.

However, caution is advised with high blood pressure: Here the experts advise instead of going to the North Sea rather to the weaker stimulating climate to the Baltic Sea.

The increased UV radiation near the sea also leads to the release of the body’s own cortisol, which generally curbs inflammation.

At the same time, vitamin D is formed in the skin, which provides a proper boost to the immune system.

If you want to benefit from the stimulating climate by the sea, it is best to plan a longer vacation of at least three weeks.

“Then (chronic) breathing difficulties and skin diseases can improve for several months,” explains Reinhard Patzke, senior physician at the DRK North Sea Rehabilitation Clinic Goldene Schüssel in St. Peter-Ording.

The mountains are a fountain of youth

In the mountains, too, you come across a stimulating climate. In the thinner air, the body initially feels stress, but then adapts to the reduced oxygen supply and reacts with increased oxygen uptake, improved blood circulation in the lungs and increased defenses.

In medical terminology, this effect is called “erythropoiesis”.

Egon Humpeler, internist and university professor in Bregenz on Lake Constance, compares this to an engine that consumes more at high revs.

“As a result, the number of red blood cells increases significantly while the total number of all blood cells does not increase, which is extremely beneficial for the flow properties of the blood. Fresh blood cells optimally deliver oxygen to the tissue. The body experiences a noticeable strengthening. ”

Mountain climate too stressful for those with cardiovascular disease

In addition, the cardiovascular system is optimized because blood pressure and pulse improve significantly on the mountain.

This in turn would also make itself felt neuropsychologically, explains the professor. The average reaction times are optimized, sleep quality, sleep duration and the ability to stay asleep increase.

For those already suffering from cardiovascular disease, however, the high mountain climate is too stressful. thinks the Techniker Krankenkasse.

On the other hand, she recommends people with chronic and regularly recurring skin and lung diseases to stay in the mountains.

Healthier air with every meter of altitude

The higher you hike, the healthier the air becomes. The concentration of pollutants decreases with every meter of altitude.

This actually benefits allergy sufferers and those with respiratory problems, as pollen, house dust mites, mold and other allergens are significantly reduced. An altitude of over 1,000 meters is ideal.

In addition, the flora in the mountains has an effective effect on us. Mountain flowers and herbs are said to have special healing powers that stimulate body, mind and soul.

And of course it is hard to deny: If you look down on the valley from high above, it is easy for you to simply forget stress and everyday worries for a while and let your mind wander.


Both in the mountains and by the sea you will find less polluting air and a stimulating climate. Respiratory patients and people with chronic skin diseases benefit in particular.

Whether the salty air or the difference in altitude has an effect can differ from body to body.

In both cases, as the name suggests, this climate also “irritates” the body. People with high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases have to exercise some caution here.

Otherwise, the sea and the mountain each have their own plus points:

The sea, for example, with its calming waves, the mountains with their abundant diversity of plants. Depending on your personality, this can flatter the soul and should certainly play a role when planning your vacation.

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The original for this post “Sea or Mountains: For whom which holiday destination is the healthier” comes from FitForFun.