Search for postal partners – Post offices are threatened with closure in five municipalities

There are only around 60 classic post offices left in Upper Austria. That number could now shrink further. Swiss Post took the first steps to close the offices in Kremsmünster, Vorchdorf, Grein, Asten and St. Martin / M. a. Reason: You should have been in the red for at least three years.

In many small towns the post offices disappeared from the scene years ago. Now this fate is also threatening the 7500-inhabitant community of Vorchdorf. “We registered the branch with the authorities for review. In accordance with the Postal Market Act, we can only do this if the location has been in the red for the past three years and has a negative outlook – unfortunately that is the case here, ”the Post informed the“ Krone ”.

The review must be completed in three months at the latest and there must be clarity about the future of the allegedly unprofitable post office. As it currently looks, the post office in Vorchdorf is threatened with extinction after 170 very eventful years. Over the years there have been numerous relocations, for example from Hochhaus Castle in 1975 to the current building on Bahnhofstrasse.

The post office also has a long tradition in Kremsmünster. Mayor Gerhard Obernberger (VP) has therefore recently pulled out all the stops to avert the closure plans. “Because we are a large church, I was hoping that this cup would pass us by. But it doesn’t look good. We are already looking for a postal partner in the center, ”said the local manager.

Also in Grein, Asten and St. Martin / M. threatens to end
Also in Grein, Asten and St. Martin / M. Dark clouds have moved over the post offices and made it necessary to search for postal partners. According to Swiss Post, post and financial services from bank99 can continue to be offered on site. Another advantage would be the longer opening times.

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