Sebastian Kurz – Austria’s ex-Chancellor has a new job


At the beginning of December Austria’s ex-Chancellor Sebastian Kurz resigned from all offices. Now the 35-year-old has a new job.

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On December 2nd, Sebastian Kurz announced his resignation from politics.


The former chancellor may be involved in a corruption affair.

The former chancellor may be involved in a corruption affair.


Kurz now has a new job.

Kurz now has a new job.


  • Sebastian Kurz has a new employer.

  • In February he started a managerial job in Silicon Valley.

  • Corruption allegations have been raised against him in the past few months.

In October, Sebastian Kurz resigned as head of government after corruption investigators searched the Chancellery and the ÖVP headquarters, among other things. Initially, he then completely withdrew from politics. The decision was not easy for him, he said in a press conference called at short notice. He increasingly had the feeling that he was being hunted. Nevertheless, he feels a lot of gratitude for everything “that I have been able to experience in the last ten years.”

Kurz has hit the headlines again in the last few days: There are allegations that Kurz, with the help of other people, helped an industrialist to “evade” taxes, falsified surveys and smeared an Austrian newspaper that it published the surveys of convenience: im Meaning of short.

Job also takes him to Switzerland

The Austrian public prosecutor’s office reads these allegations from around 300,000 chat messages written by Kurz and his closest circle.

Nevertheless, there is now apparently positive news for Kurz. As the “Krone” newspaper writes, the ex-Chancellor has found a new job. At the beginning of February he is supposed to start a job in a global company in Silicon Valley.

The contract should already be signed. In the future, the ex-chancellor will lead a classic managerial life between San Francisco, Vienna, Germany and Switzerland, the newspaper continues. It is still unclear exactly which company Kurz will work for. Several American tech giants have locations in Switzerland. In addition to Meta and Google, Amazon recently moved into an office in Zurich. Meta did not comment on 20 minutes’ request.

Kurz also became a father for the first time at the end of November. «My friend Susanne gave birth to our son in the early hours of the morning. We are overjoyed and very grateful! ”Wrote the 35-year-old party leader of the conservative ÖVP on Twitter on Saturday. A few days later he followed up on Twitter and revealed the child’s name: Konstantin Thier.

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