Sebastian Kurz: New private life also a reason to withdraw from politics

Sebastian Kurz
New private life also a reason to withdraw from politics

Ex-Chancellor Sebastian Kurz is turning his back on politics.

© imago / Sven Simon

Austria’s ex-Chancellor Sebastian Kurz withdraws completely from politics. What the birth of his son has to do with it …

Former Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (35) has resigned from all political offices. He announced this in a personal statement on Thursday.

He also spoke about the big change in his private life, which has apparently encouraged him in his decision to leave politics. He has invested a lot of time in the work in recent years, said Kurz. Some things were “neglected in this phase, especially the own family”, he explained. “In the past few weeks, which were not easy and in the past few days, which were very nice, especially with the birth of my own child, I became more and more aware of how many beautiful and important things there are outside of the Politics exist, “he said.

“You can look at such a little baby for hours”

“I was always sure that nothing could beat these two election campaigns,” said Kurz. A few days ago, however, he experienced “that the birth of your own child once again tops everything else that you have ever seen or experienced before”. And he added: “You can look at such a small baby for hours and be happy and happy about it.”

For him, a new chapter in his life begins with his resignation. “Above all, I am looking forward to spending time with my child and my family,” said Kurz. He will enjoy it very much before he will devote himself to new professional tasks in the new year. “I’m excited about this new chapter in my life and I’m looking forward to it too,” he added.

He’s been a father since Saturday

Kurz has been in a relationship with the business educator Susanne Thier since they were at school. The two have been parents of one child since November 27th. “My friend Susanne gave birth to our son in the early hours of the morning. We are overjoyed and very grateful! Susanne and the baby are doing well and we are looking forward to the wonderful joint task and our first Christmas as a threesome”, he shared the beautiful news on Twitter.

“Thank you very much for all the congratulations on the birth of our son Konstantin – we were very happy and enjoy our time together,” he wrote a little later on his Instagram account to a photo in which one hand each of mother, father and baby can be seen together.

Sebastian Kurz was Federal Chancellor of the Republic of Austria from 2017 to 2019 and from 2020 to 2021. On October 9, 2021, he announced his resignation as Federal Chancellor after corruption investigators had searched the Chancellery and the ÖVP headquarters, among other things, and moved to the National Council as ÖVP club chairman.


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