Second day in a row – and the next negative corona record in Upper Austria

Even if nobody wants to hear it anymore: The numbers keep on going. In Upper Austria, the new all-time high of new infections was reported within a day.

Specifically, 2461 new cases were registered within 24 hours. On Thursday it was 2317. In the hospitals, the number of Covid patients in normal wards fell by 13 to 351, while the number of patients in intensive care units rose by two to 64. On the night of Friday, as is well known, level 3 of 5 was declared in hospitals. The number of deaths related to the pandemic in Upper Austria rose by nine in just one day to 1887.

Linz currently with the best value
There are now three districts beyond the 1000 mark at the 7-day incidence: Braunau, Perg and Vöcklabruck. Linz is currently the best, with a value of “only” 372.

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