Second term – Mattarella re-sworn in as President of Italy – News

  • Italian President Sergio Mattarella has started his second term in office.
  • The 80-year-old took his oath of office in front of Parliament in Rome.
  • On Saturday he was elected by a large majority in a meeting of parliamentarians and regional representatives.

Actually, Mattarella, who comes from Sicily, did not want to be re-elected president after seven years. After a chaotic election week with no prospect of a majority for other candidates, he finally allowed himself to be persuaded.

In the eighth ballot, 759 out of 1009 voters voted for him. In Italy, as in Germany, the President of the Republic primarily has a representative role. However, additional powers ensure that he can significantly influence politics in times of crisis. He can intervene in the formation of a government and, for example, prevent the appointment of ministers.

Together with Prime Minister Mario Draghi, Mattarella maneuvered the country through the Corona crisis and brought it to a point where a return to normality is possible despite the high number of infections.

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