Secret ingredient: That’s why instant coffee powder makes Bolognese perfect

Surprising secret ingredient
That’s why instant coffee powder makes Bolognese perfect

This Bolognese trick is causing a sensation among pasta fans!


To make the pasta sauce classic Bolognese really irresistible, many amateur chefs swear by this secret ingredient, which admittedly takes getting used to.

Red wine, tomato paste, garlic and onions belong in every proper Bolognese recipe. But there is another ingredient that hardly anyone has on their radar that really makes the tomato pasta sauce perfect: a teaspoon of instant coffee.

A different kind of pasta sauce: this trick makes Bolognese irresistible

But the popular pasta sauce can do a lot more than you probably think. In the video, you can find out what taste happens when you add some instant coffee to the Bolognese sauce and what you should absolutely pay attention to.

Source used: archive material


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