Secret WhatsApp update: did you notice this small change?


WhatsApp has secretly made an update on Messenger. It makes a small but subtle change. It makes it very difficult for stalkers to monitor your online activities.

WhatsApp has released an anti-stalker update. (Source: netzwelt)

  • WhatsApp made a change to Messenger.
  • If you are online, this will only be shown to contacts with whom you have already written.
  • This makes stalking with third-party apps extremely difficult.

Messenger WhatsApp makes it difficult for strangers and third-party apps to monitor your activities in Messenger with a silent update.

For a long time it has been possible to hide the time when you were last online in Messenger, but so far WhatsApp continued to show anyone who had your number by saying “online” when you were currently active in Messenger. Third-party apps like Dasta took advantage of this and were able to track your activities in Messenger.

“Online” remains hidden from strangers

That’s over now. As our reader Uwe informs us, WhatsApp now only shows people that you are online if you have already exchanged a message with them.

Tests in the editorial office confirmed his discovery and there are also several corresponding reports on Twitter. A screenshot is also circulating online in which WhatsApp support confirms the change. Accordingly, the change also applies to the display of “Last online”, if you have activated it.

The change should not completely prevent “stalking” via the messenger, but makes this extremely difficult, since third-party apps can no longer easily query your activity. How you can further protect your privacy on WhatsApp, we will tell you in the linked article.

Many thanks to Uwe for pointing this out.

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