Sedentary lifestyle: 6 signs you are not exercising enough

Lack of physical activity
6 surprising signs that you are not exercising

© fizkes / Shutterstock

Do you prefer to take the elevator than the stairs and physical activity isn’t your thing? This can have a negative impact on your health. These are signs that you can tell that you are not moving enough.

Unfortunately, it’s a fact: most of us don’t get enough exercise. Above all, those who work in the office or at least mainly sit down are usually not physically active enough. Because our bodies are not made to sit all day and then drive home in the car. It’s made to move. And it is not necessarily about daily powered cardio training for advanced users, but about everyday movement – walking, cycling, climbing the stairs …

But how do you notice that you are not moving enough? In addition to typical symptoms such as being very overweight or cardiovascular diseases, the consequences can also be less clear – both on a physical and psychological level.

6 signals from your body that you are not moving enough

1. Muscle and joint pain

Do you often have back pain or other muscle or joint problems, for example in the knee? In this case, unfortunately, we often tend not to move at all. We should do exactly the opposite, because muscular tension, sticky fasciae and stiff joints are mostly due to a lack of movement. Gentle stretching and strengthening exercises as well as swimming or yoga can provide acute relief here and build up the necessary muscles in the long term to prevent pain.

2. Fatigue

You just have no power and feel tired and tired? This can also be a sign of too little exercise in everyday life. Because physical activity supplies your cells with oxygen and other nutrients. If you sit too much and don’t do enough exercise, your cells – and ultimately your entire organism – don’t get enough energy.

3. Digestive Difficulties

Physical activity also stimulates bowel movements. If you do not move enough, your bowels will probably also remain sluggish. Above all, strong and healthy abdominal muscles can stimulate digestion. A typical symptom of a lack of physical activity is therefore constipation.

4. Bad sleep

If you exercise regularly, you will sleep better. It is important that you exercise enough throughout the day. Here, too, you don’t necessarily need the power workout – especially not late at night right before going to sleep, that would even be counterproductive. Cycling or brisk walking, preferably in the fresh air, are also sufficient to improve the quality of sleep.

5. Lack of perseverance

Do you get short of breath easily if you just climb a few stairs? A lack of stamina is also a typical sign of too little exercise in everyday life. Because just like you have to activate certain muscles, your lungs also need training in order to develop their full potential.

6. Depressed mood

A lack of exercise not only results in physical symptoms, it can also affect your psyche. Sport and physical activity stimulate the release of happiness hormones – endorphins, dopamine, serotonin. And they lift the mood and make you more resilient. Those who do not get enough exercise are therefore at a higher risk of mental illnesses such as depression or anxiety.

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