Seine-Saint-Denis: a 74-year-old man stabbed to death


According to a source close to the investigation, the suspect had tried in the previous days to attack other people.

A 74-year-old man was stabbed to the back on Saturday afternoon at one of the entrances to the Georges-Valbon departmental park in La Courneuve (Seine-Saint-Denis), AFP learned on Monday November 28 from a police source and from the Bobigny prosecutor’s office.

Around 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, the man was stabbed in the back causing him a deep wound, a police source told AFP. He died of his injuries despite the intervention of emergency services.

“Voluntary homicide”

The suspect, of Romanian nationality, who had been the subject of an OQTF (obligation to leave French territory), was arrested on Monday, said the Bobigny prosecution. “The September OQTF had been executed, he had been escorted back to Romania after his release from prison“, Said this source, confirming information from RMC.

He tried the days before the facts to attack other people, according to a source close to the investigation. This was opened forvoluntary homicideand entrusted to the judicial police service of Seine-Saint-Denis.

SEE ALSO – Paris: a 16-year-old boy killed in a knife fight


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