Selena Gomez: She is friends with ex The Weeknd’s new flirt

The Hollywood news in the GALA ticker: Selena Gomez: Extraordinary friendship +++ Does Victoria Beckham reveal a “Spice Girls” reunion in June with this document? +++ Halle Berry is said to be getting engaged soon.

Hollywood News 2022 in the GALA ticker

February 27, 2022

Selena Gomez is friends with ex The Weeknds Neuer

The Weeknd, 32, was recently spotted with a new woman: he kissed DJane Simi Khadra at a party. It is not yet known whether the two are a couple. What now turns out, however, is that Selena Gomez, 29, seems to be friends with her ex-partner’s new flirt. Because a few days after the party night, the actress posted several pictures of herself, Simi and her twin sister Haze on her Instagram account.

“Since 2013,” Gomez writes, adding a blue heart emoji. Accordingly, the women apparently maintain more than just a fleeting friendship. Simi’s kissing with her ex-boyfriend doesn’t seem to bother the 29-year-old. Gomez and the musician, whose real name is Abel Tesfaye, were in an on-off relationship for ten months in 2017.

February 25, 2022

New documents spark speculation: does Victoria Beckham reveal a “Spice Girls” reunion with her signature?

For a few days, British media have suspected that the “Spice Girls” will celebrate a spectacular reunion. BBC executives are said to have asked the girl group for Queen Elizabeth’s 70th jubilee, 95. So far, however, these were only rumours. Now a new document provides a first tangible indication.

Victoria Beckham, 47, is said to have submitted paperwork that would keep her as director of Spice Girls Ltd for at least another year. establish. “If she wanted to leave the band and didn’t feel like performing again, she would have resigned as director last week,” a source told The Sun. The signature would prove that Victoria still wants to be seen as an active member of the band – and performing is within the realms of possibility. Melanie Chisholm, 48, has already commented on the rumors. “We haven’t discussed it yet,” was the simple response. A rejection sounds different. According to Mel C., it was Geri Halliwell, 49, who would make that decision.

Will Halle Berry walk down the aisle for the fourth time?

Halle Berry, 55, and Van Hunt, 51, made their love official in 2020. Since then, the couple has been on cloud nine – and should even be ready to take the next step in their relationship. “I heard an engagement is imminent,” a source told US magazine Closer. “Van bought a ring and plans to propose to Halle every day.”

A second anonymous source also confirms the singer’s alleged plans: “I know that Halle has sworn off marriage before, but Van made her believe in love again and she made a U-turn.” It continues: “It’s not a question of if Van will propose, it’s a matter of when, and the way things are going, it’s only a matter of time before he gets down on his knees. I imagine it still is happened this year.” This would be Halle Berry’s fourth marriage.

February 24, 2022

Kirsten Dunst and Jesse Plemons have yet to set a wedding date

Kirsten Dunst, 39, and Jesse Plemons, 33, have been engaged since 2017. As the actress has now revealed to the “Los Angeles Times”, however, no wedding date has been set even after five years. “It’s ridiculous,” explains the 39-year-old. There are good reasons why the Hollywood couple has not yet been able to hold a big celebration.

On the one hand there is the coronavirus pandemic, which has prevented an impressive wedding celebration with several hundred guests for two years. In addition, Dunst explains, “I didn’t want to be pregnant, get married, have a party and not be able to have fun.” The couple’s first son, Ennis Howard, was born in 2018. The family then welcomed son James Robert in mid-2021. Nevertheless, the “Mona Lisa’s Smile” actress emphasizes that a wedding should definitely take place: “We have to get married at this point. […] We just don’t have a wedding planned yet.”

February 23, 2022

Jennifer Lopez’s twins are celebrating their 14th birthdays

Happy Birthday, Emme and Maximilian! The twins of Jennifer Lopez, 52, celebrated their 14th birthdays on February 22 and received a very special congratulations from their mother on the day. On Instagram, the singer shares a touching video with numerous scenes that show her with her children in different situations.

“My babies, my sunshine, my loved ones. Happy birthday to my two coconuts,” the singer wrote about the emotional clip. “You guys have taught me the true meaning of life and changed me forever in the most amazing ways…I’m so grateful for you both!!! I just hope I can be even half of the blessings you are meant to my life,” Lopez said.

She further emphasizes: “Today is a very special day… It is 2/22/22… It is said that this day is a rare, unique moment for humanity… Today the door opens to a more fulfilling, sustainable one and future aligned towards… A day to move forward and not live in the past anymore. A rebirth. For me it’s no wonder because that day 14 years ago has always symbolized for me the first day of the rest of my life. Max and Lulu, I will love you forever and ever.”

Kylie Jenner names her baby after her sweetheart

Kylie Jenner, 24, and Travis Scott, 30, became parents for the second time on February 2, 2022. With a sweet black and white snap of the hands of her two children, the entrepreneur announced the birth of her son, who goes by the name Wolf. Now “TMZ” reveals the full name of the youngest member of the Kardashian clan. According to the birth certificate available to the website, the couple chose the middle name “Jacques” for their offspring. The choice is no coincidence, after all, the rapper’s real name is Jacques Bermon Webster II.

The document also reveals that Dr. Thais Aliabadi was present at the birth of little wolf Jacques Webster. He also helped give birth to his big sister Stormi, 4, and her cousin True Thompson, daughter of Khloe Kardashian, 37, and Travis Thompson, 30.

February 22, 2022

Harrison Ford rendered first aid to crew member

On the big screen, he is best known as the action hero “Indiana Jones”. On the set of the fifth part of his successful film series, the US star showed that Harrison Ford, 79, also has heroic qualities in real life. When a crew member suddenly collapsed, Ford is said to have provided first aid immediately, as reported by The Sun. At this point in time, it is apparently assumed that the man had suffered a heart attack.

The upsetting incident is said to have happened while filming the final scene of “Indiana Jones 5” at Pinewood Studios near London. Ford immediately rushed to the man and called for help. Fortunately, an emergency doctor present on the set was able to initiate resuscitation measures immediately and organize the prompt transport of the patient to a clinic. It is not yet known how the crew member is doing.

Arnold Schwarzenegger shows his hairdressing qualities

Everything Arnold Schwarzenegger touches turns to gold – well, not everything. Because while the 74-year-old can look back on great success as a bodybuilder, actor and governor, cutting hair is obviously not one of his talents. This is proven by a funny video that Patrick Schwarzenegger, 28, uploads to Instagram.

In the clip, the “Terminator” can be seen attacking his son with oversized scissors and – without batting an eyelash – cutting his hair off. “Saved 50 bucks today,” jokes the 28-year-old, who, judging by the way he looks, seems a bit skeptical. Arnie, however, is undeterred and continues to snip with concentration. However, the end result is impressive, as Patrick later shows in his Instagram story. The work of art by the Austrian could probably still be adjusted with a razor.

February 21, 2022

Tom Holland needs a break: ‘I’m going to take a really nice long break’

Tom Holland, 25, puts an end to the stress of filming. He has been in constant use as a superhero since 2016 and was in front of the camera a total of six times as “Spider-Man”. Now the Brit needs a break from Hollywood stress and is taking the time to finally take a deep breath. “I still have a shoot in New York and then it’s over for the time being,” Holland explained to “Bild am Sonntag”. He will find the much-needed rest in London. There he is said to have recently bought a house for around 2.7 million euros together with his girlfriend, actress Zendaya, 25.

“I’m going to have a really nice long break. It’s going to be great. I’m going to come back home and enjoy the summer and Christmas there and maybe start something new in 2023,” Tom said of his plans. Maybe he will also use the time off for a trip to Germany. In the capital he shot his current film “Uncharted” [Anm. d. Red.: Seit dem 17. Februar 2022 im Kino] and obviously felt good. “Berlin is definitely one of my favorite cities. I was able to see and do a lot. For example, we always drove our e-scooters to the beer garden in the Tiergarten.” So the star shouldn’t get bored of the break from Hollywood in Europe.

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