Self-care: 4 ways to do something good for yourself

Team talk
How do you differentiate yourself?

© Anna Berkut/Stocksy / Adobe Stock

© PR


My time is sacred to me, as are my routines. I always plan everything very consistently; and that’s exactly why all friends who want to meet on a Monday or Thursday receive a rejection. Because: On these days I only take time for myself. I exercise, dedicate myself to my beauty routine and whatever I feel like doing. I only make exceptions in very important cases. A real game changer for me to slow down the working week.

© Sevim Aslan

“Good care inside and out”

I used to deal with neurodermatitis. In particular, mental stress such as self-doubt and an unsettled environment with noise often gave me flare-ups. Today I have accepted myself and take care of myself: If I’m nervous, I get on my bike. I block out the unrest in the office with music from my headphones. And my skin is relaxed thanks to daily caresses while applying cream and body lotion with urea.

© PR

“Get out of the jogger!”

For a long time, working from home meant sweatpants and a bun for me. But I couldn’t relax on the couch in the evening because my mind was still on the job. Things only got better when I decided to get ready for the office in the morning – even if it was at home. My outfits still need to be comfortable and I don’t wear a lot of makeup, but I need the external changeto arrive at work and later ring in the end of the day.

© PR

“Sports appointments”

When I’m working, I tend to get so busy that I forget about myself. The result: chronic back pain. In rehab, I mainly worked on listening to my body more and giving it what it needs. This can be very different, from progressive muscle relaxation to yoga and long walks to raking leaves in the garden. I also arrange regular sports datesand I adhere to it strictly.


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