Semicolon tattoo, a symbol of the fight against suicide

A semicolon tattoo? Here is what to surprise. But behind this punctuation mark hides a true symbol of awareness in the fight against depression and suicide and in favor of better mental health.

On Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram or even TikTok, you’ve probably already seen this semicolon tattoo appear on the wrist or fingers of a man or a woman. Yes, a semicolon! The symbol is surprising, but behind this little punctuation, there is a real meaning that should not be taken lightly. It is a symbol of hope and the struggle to take better care of your mental health by combating depression and suicidal thoughts.

Appeared in the early 2010s, this small, very discreet tattoo has become a true symbol of recognition towards people affected by mental illness, whatever it may be, but also between a suicide survivor and another. Indeed, only people who know the meaning of this semicolon tattoo are able to understand what their interlocutor is going through. A discreet, almost secret way to send a message of prevention or support, in short.

What is the meaning of the semicolon tattoo?

To understand the origin of this semicolon tattoo inked on many skins, we must turn to an American organization called “Project Semicolon”, which translates in French as “Projet point semicolon”. The latter was founded in order to support people in the midst of depression, and to help prevent suicide. Especially among young people, particularly affected by depressive symptoms without having the cards in hand to know where to seek help.

This movement which wants to restore hope to those who no longer have it was founded in 2013 by Amy Bleuel, a young depressed woman, and who unfortunately decided to end her life. But his suicide did not mark the history of Project Semicolon for a final point, since this punctuation has now become a real symbol of the fight and prevention against suicidal thoughts. Semicolon tattoo encourages people in pain not to give up in the face of mental illness and not to see everything in black. The objective: to remind them that life deserves to be lived, and that they will never lack love from this community which shares a common history.

Why a semicolon as a symbol of awareness?

Of course, the name of the movement Project Semicolon served as the inspiration for the semicolon tattoo. But this is not the only explanation to take into account. In the end, not much used, unlike two points, the semicolon is a punctuation mark that marks a junction. It separates two parts of sentences, grammatically independent of each other, but between which there is a meaningful connection.

You will understand, the symbol behind the use of the semicolon tattoo is the following: your story is not over because your mind is in pain. Just because you are going through a difficult time and the future seems totally uncertain, doesn’t mean you need to end your story by thinking about suicide. This type of tattoo is also used by survivors as well as by relatives of deceased people. The semicolon tattoo then signifying love and sadness, but also prevention, so that this kind of drama does not happen again.

A semicolon tattoo, yes but not only

According to the desires of each man or each woman tattooed with a semicolon, the pattern changes. Some choose to have only the punctuation mark inked. Others insert it in the middle of a sentence, of a story, or hide it in a pattern like flowers, or even a butterfly. People who have self-harmed, attempted suicide or been addicted to certain drugs that leave traces, often use this technique to hide scars on their arm. A good way to ensure a new start with tattoo models that allow them not to have bad memories in front of them all the time. While remembering that sadness and depression are sometimes only temporary.

Semicolon tattoo: prevention at the heart of pop culture

Suicide and depression are not easy topics to talk about. There is still a real social and societal taboo today, even if more and more people and organizations are trying to remind people that mental health should not be taken lightly. And pop culture also has a role to play in this story. In 2017, the American series 13 Reasons Why, adapted from the novel of the same name, by author Jay Asher, featured the dark story of a teenage girl who had committed suicide. Those around her then did everything to understand why this suicide, thanks to cassettes where she tells her sad story.

Singer Selena Gomez, producer of the program broadcast on Netflix, took the opportunity to remind the general public of the importance of taking care of their mental health, in particular through messages broadcast at the end of each episode. To celebrate the broadcast of the series, the star and several actors and actresses of the series decided to have a semicolon tattooed on their wrist, a symbol of life, survival and support for people who suffer in silence from depression or thoughts of suicide. A true message of hope addressed to the general public, which made it possible to make known the meaning of this drawing. Selena Gomez has never hidden that she herself suffers from social anxiety and sometimes needing to take breaks to heal her mental health. She is considered one of the torchbearers in the fight against mental illness.

Survivor tattoos to get in touch with reality

The semicolon tattoo is part of a long series of tattoo designs that are not necessarily original, but which represent an important symbol for those who wear them. Teardrop tattoo, tattoo in the shape of an infinity symbol or in the shape of a butterfly, important dates … The most frequent inking are perhaps basic, but heavy with meaning since they represent specific memories, messages, love or sometimes even a life project.

Since its creation, tattooing has been an art that allows telling stories and marking one’s identity through permanent bodily modifications. So it is only natural that these drawings of fighting against depression and suicide find a place on the skin of those who suffer from it, through the meaning of the semicolon tattoo. Moreover, it is not for nothing that these significant patterns are generally placed on the wrist, forearm or hand of tattooed people. So, they always have this little reminder to hang on to when everything seems dark: they haven’t finished writing their story yet. And above all, they can serve as a method of awareness or prevention, two concepts at the heart of the fight against mental illness.

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