sentenced to 30 years in prison for having killed his partner with “a hundred blows”


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In 2018, Sébastien Jammas killed his partner in a real bloodbath, after having struck her “a hundred hits”. This Friday, October 29, the 32-year-old man was sentenced by the northern assizes to 30 years of criminal imprisonment.

More than two years after the facts, Sébastien Jammas was finally sentenced for his act, this Friday, October 29. Five days of trial were enough to unveil the verdict: 30 years in prison including a 20-year safety period, according to AFP information, relayed by The Dispatch. The horrible drama took place on the night of January 2 to 3, 2018 in Bauvin, a small town in the Hauts-de-France region. Then 28 years old, the man went after his companion at the time, Séverine. Violent for several years already, the beatings doubled that evening. Until 5 a.m., the culprit hit the young woman with a “hundred blows” with different objects like a broom or a bottle. According to the medical examiner’s report, 131 wounds were found on the victim’s body. Aggression causing the death of the latter.

First between life and death, Séverine stretched out in her bed. Without realizing the gravity of her act, the man left her alone. It was only a few hours later when he saw the motionless body of his partner that Sébastien Jammas began to worry. Help was finally called by the victim’s son, then 15 years old at the time of the incident. In vain. Was it intentional or manslaughter? This question sparked debates at the Assises du Nord. For Me Julien Laurent, lawyer for the accused, his client does not “did not realize” the seriousness of his actions. For her part, the Advocate General is formal: “It is the culmination of a long process of feminicide.”

Other complaints had been filed against him

However, one detail reveals the flaws in justice. Indeed, several ex-companions of Sébastien Jammas had already lodged a complaint against the thirty-something for domestic violence. According to the file, these complaints “were not processed in time”. If the words of these women had been taken into account earlier, Séverine’s life could have been saved. The terms of “judicial failure” were then used in the file of this investigation. When the verdict was announced, the culprit apologized to the victim’s 19-year-old son: “I’m sorry, again, I’m not forgivable I know, but I didn’t mean to do this.” After a 20-year safety period, the man must undergo socio-judicial monitoring for the remaining ten years.

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