Serious allegations – drugs, violence: ATV star Marcell S. arrested!

Marcell S., known from the ATV show “Teenagers Become Mothers”, is confronted with serious allegations: allegations of domestic violence and the illegal sale of 1.2 kilograms of cannabis herb as well as the mistreatment of a puppy. The 23-year-old was arrested, he has not confessed.

During addiction investigations, police officers from the Weiz criminal service group came across a 23-year-old suspect. According to information from the “Krone”, it is the well-known private TV actor. By order of the Graz public prosecutor’s office, the arrest and a house search at his place of residence were carried out on Tuesday lunchtime. The investigators were supported by the task force to combat street crime. Domestic violence In the apartment, the police found six cannabis plants, small amounts of cannabis herbs, various narcotic items and – despite the upright ban on weapons – a gas pistol. Further investigations indicate physical abuse allegedly caused by the suspect to a person in their home environment. According to the police report, the victim has injuries to the body. In addition, the suspect Marcell S. allegedly maltreated a puppy.Marcell S. does not confess The suspect does not confess. According to him, he is the victim himself. He is now in the Graz-Jakomini prison, and a ban on approaching and entering was pronounced against him. “I was in prison” Marcell S. said he had previously come into conflict with the law. “I was in jail. I’ve been condemned for nonsense that I made when I was in Vienna, “the 23-year-old announced on the TV show in February 2020.” Teens become mothers “is one of ATV’s most successful reality TV formats. Well-known young parents and children come back again and again and are accompanied. Marcell is probably the best-known actor in the series because he already has children with several women whose pregnancies were accompanied by the broadcaster.
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