“Serious budget situation” – Bruck: projects postponed, fees before increase

According to Mayor Peter Koch and City Councilor for Finance Werner Anzenberger (both from the SPÖ), the budget situation in Bruck an der Mur is extremely serious: some projects have to be postponed, fees are increased, and subsidies and other expenses have to be reduced.

The budget situation in Bruck has not been rosy for years, and austerity is necessary. The situation became even more tense due to the corona crisis. The fact that the political climate between the SPÖ, which has an absolute majority, and the opposition is partially poisoned, is an added difficulty. So on Tuesday before the city council meeting, Koch and Anzenberger went on the offensive and presented no concrete figures, but key points of the budget. Some larger projects have to be postponed, such as the renovation of Minoritenplatz or the planned third after-school care group in Oberaich. Only one school will be built Million Euros. According to the SPÖ’s request, this and other educational investments should have been partially financed by selling the urban forest in Pernegg – but in a referendum there was a clear majority against it. The middle school is now financed purely from loans and aid from the state, the new building of the Knottinger elementary school, however, still has to wait In March, usage tariffs (such as market fees or for pavilions) will rise, from 2023 water, sewer and garbage fees will also increase. 70,000 euros are to be saved in subsidies, as well as in ongoing administration. At events and in political operations, there will also be cuts. The budget will be decided in the local council next week.
source site-12