Several unions are calling for a strike in the medico-social sector today

The CFDT-FO-UNSA Public and Private Health and Social Interunion is calling for a strike in the social and medico-social sector this Tuesday, January 18. The unions denounce the postponement of discussions with the government relating in particular to the evolution of remuneration in the sector.

During a trip to Châtenay-Malabry on November 8, Prime Minister Jean Castex announced the holding of a Conference of social and medico-social support professions before January 15, 2022, to discuss the revaluation of salaries of these professionals, in order to recreate a form of attractiveness for this sector which is struggling to recruit despite the needs.

However, in a press release dated December 29, 2021, the Prime Minister announced that this conference would be held “in the first quarter of 2022 according to a date to be stabilized with the actors according to the evolution of the health situation”. An announcement that the trade unions regret, which therefore called for a strike in the sector on Tuesday.

The forgotten of Ségur de la Santé

“It is clear that the government is not respecting its commitment. It is no longer the time to take your time with yet another mission to find solutions to restore the attractiveness of this sector. There is an emergency!”, Denounces the inter-union CFDT-FO-UNSA Public and private health and social services in a press release.

Professionals in the medico-social sector, who work for the care of people with disabilities, dependents, the homeless, or for social protection for children, warn of the cruel lack of recognition of which they are victims. . Some notably regret having been excluded from the salary increases granted to caregivers within the framework of the Ségur de la Santé.

They thus deplore the phenomenon of flight to the public hospital and retirement homes, whose employees have benefited from a salary increase of 183 euros net per month. These wage increases were then only partially extended to other sectors. The Conference of Social Support Professions was therefore particularly intended to discuss an extension of this salary increase to other medico-social professionals.

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