Sex education: the modest school

Info Libé

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A survey by the #NousToutes collective revealed by “Liberation” shows that the 2001 law, providing for three annual sexuality education sessions from CP to 12th grade, is far from being applied.

“In high school, I didn’t have any sex education lessons at all. Over the whole college, there must have been thirty minutes in all where we talked about it. In primary school, nothing more to report, deplores an elected member of the Council for high school life in the Nord-Paris basin. Far from the three annual sessions of the CP in the final year imposed by the Aubry law of 2001. Invited to the Jean-Drouant high school in Paris on November 23 on the occasion of a ministerial trip to the“application and content of sexuality education sessions”, the high school students confronted with aplomb Elisabeth Moreno, Minister in charge of Equality, Sarah El Haïry, Secretary of State in charge of Youth and Adrien Taquet, Secretary of State in charge of Children. Behind the imposing red brick wall of this hotel school, the findings fuse and resemble each other. “It doesn’t really interest the teachers”, judge one. “It’s always very short” and “taboo”, adds another. A comrade remembers interventions in primary school which left in “giggling” and emptiness since the fifth. A few seats away, a teenager reports several visits from outside speakers…

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