Shania Twain: She can finally forgive these two people

Shania Twain
Honest words about her ex-husband’s affair with her friend

© Isabel Infantes / Getty Images

Shania Twain is apparently very good at coming to terms with her past. At least when it comes to her ex-husband and his affair with her then good friend Marie-Anne Thiébaud.

Between There is apparently no bad blood between Shania Twain, 58, and her ex-husband Robert John “Mutt” Lange, 75 – and that is a big surprise. The music producer had an affair with her friend Marie-Anne Thiébaud during his marriage to the musician.

Shania Twain: “It’s his fault. Not mine”

In the podcast “Great Company with Jamie Laing” the musician talks a lot about forgiveness and coming to terms with the past. “Forgiveness is part of letting go. But forgiveness, at least for me, is not necessarily about forgetting. It’s about understanding the other person, and that can mean that they are wrong… You may believe forever that what they did was wrong,” she says in the conversation. She also talks about her ex-husband Robert Lange, who had an affair with her friend. She does not feel hatred for the father of her child Eja D’Angelo Lange, 22. “It was his mistake. Not mine,” she explains. However, it is sad for him that he has to live with such a mistake.

Shaina Twain and Robert Lange

© Gareth Davis / Getty Images

The curious relationship square

In 2008, it became known that Lange had cheated on Shania Twain – with her actual girlfriend Marie-Anne Thiébaud. The couple finally divorced in 2010. At the time, her girlfriend was still married to Frédéric Thiébaud, 54. But this marriage also fell apart after the scandal. While Marie-Anne Thiébaud was having fun with Lange, Twain also found a new lover: Frédéric Thiébaud. All of this happened just six months after the divorce from Lange. So the women swapped partners without further ado. Thiébaud and Twain married in 2011 and are as happy as ever; they seem to have found true love in each other.

She talks about the dark times in her life

There is another person in Shania Twain’s life whom she forgives – her father. In the interview, the 58-year-old also talks about the emotional and physical abuse she suffered in her childhood. “He is someone I completely forgive,” she explains in the interview, also addressing his condition. “I understand that he was not well, that you only behave like that when something is wrong with you.” She also feels bad because he had these problems. “It is very difficult to hate someone or not be able to forgive someone you believe in,” says the singer. Her father also deserves empathy and understanding.

Sources used: Podcast “Great Company with Jamie Laing”,


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