she reacts to the arrest of one of her harassers


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Threatened with death since her performance at the Victoires de la Musique in 2020, the singer Hoshi can finally breathe. According to information from the newspaper Le Parisien, a young adult man, suspected of having sent him hate messages, was arrested.

A first victory. In 2020, singer Hoshi did not expect her life to change. During her performance at the Victoires de la Musique this same year, the 25-year-old young woman wanted to convey a message of tolerance against homophobia with her title Amour Censure. A performance that ended with a kiss on stage, with one of his dancers. A strong message that did not please everyone. The singer then became the target of homophobic messages and death threats on social networks. An unbearable situation that prompted her to file a complaint a few weeks later.

According The Parisian, one of the authors of these hateful messages was arrested on Monday, June 20. Investigators from the Central Office for Combating Crimes Against Humanity and Hate Crimes (OCLCH) arrested a young adult man living in Brittany. During his custody, he admitted the facts, before being released. Qualified “screen addict”, this man would have sent many violent and repeated messages to the singer. Also according to information from the newspaper, minors suspected of having sent hate messages have also been identified by OCLCH investigators.

Hoshi: “We won’t give up”

At the announcement of this arrest, Hoshi, whose real name is Mathilde Gerner, reacted. On his Instagram account, the artist shared a story in which is written: “I said it: we won’t let go”. A relief for the young woman who, last May, shared her concern about the progress of the investigation: “It’s been more than two years since I filed a complaint for the threats and insults of a homophobic nature that I have received since my song Love Censorship. I look good. I don’t know. I’m trying to be strong, but here it is which I still receive frequently. Justice is slow, very slow. I live with the daily fear that one of them will take action. Do you intend to act?”.

Camille is a jack-of-all-trades who loves to vary the subjects, with a slight preference for everything related to women’s rights, health and…

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