Shein: This is how you contact the customer service of the online shop

You have ordered from Shein and would like to contact the online retailer’s customer service because you have had questions or problems? GIGA helps.

Shein is a Chinese fashion online shop and is considered the first company in the world to sell Real Time Fashion. Hundreds of new items of clothing arrive in the shop every day and are offered at extremely low prices. Due to negative experiences with orders, Shein is also often criticized. If you are not completely satisfied with something or have another concern, we will give you one here Overview of contact options.

Shein is a real online shop, but there are many dubious providers on the Internet. In the video we show you how to recognize fake shops:

Shein customer support via live chat

You can find it on the Shein website at the top right a headset icon in the header. If you hover over it with your mouse, a small window will open showing that clicking on this field will take you to the customer service be directed.

  1. Click on the headset icon.
  2. You will then be asked to enter your sheincustomer account to log in or to register for a new one, so that personalized support is possible based on the data stored in your profile. But you can also make use of customer service without an existing account: simply click on the “Continue without registration” link below.
  3. Now one opens chat window, where you can address your concerns directly to an employee in the chat. The customer care is every day from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m occupied.
  4. Now choose one regarding off, for example “Account Verification”.
  5. Now you are asked your name and email address (Of course, this step is not necessary if you have registered with your customer account) and describe your question in more detail. There is also the option of uploading up to three photos.
  6. A verification code will be sent to your email address. It is valid for 30 minutes.
  7. And let’s start chatting!

By the way, you can find a video that explains how to best use the live chat on the FAQ page, which we describe below.

Shein: Customer support in the FAQ section

If you scroll all the way down on the start page, you get there in the footer next to the social links to a list of further information, including “Customer Care”. About the button “Contact us” you come to the contact page. Here you get one Overview of the most relevant topics:

  • problems with the order
  • delivery
  • Return and Refund
  • Payment and Promotions
  • product and stock
  • account

Choose the one that applies to you. You will now be forwarded to the FAQ section, where the most frequently asked questions are collected. Short articles suggest solutions. To search more specifically, you can use the search bar above and search for keywords. You can also find a link to the here live chat and an instruction manual for it.

Contact Shein via social networks

Shein offers its customers, too contact via social media. You can see how many social media the company is represented in at the bottom of the page. Among them is TikTok; an app that, by the way, has contributed significantly to the success of Shein. The prerequisite for this is, of course, that you have an Instagram account or a profile on Facebook, for example. On the contact page described above, you will find a button below that takes you directly to Facebook Messenger.

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