Shortage of sunflower oil… Why has it disappeared from supermarkets?


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For several weeks, sunflower oil has mysteriously disappeared from the shelves of our stores. Out of stock throughout the country, it has become untraceable. But what are the reasons for this shortage?

You have surely noticed, lately, sunflower oil is missing from supermarket shelves. Consumer product regularly used by many French people, its shortage is beginning to weigh on the daily lives of many of them, and in particular on that of professionals like the restorers. But how to explain his disappearance? According France 24it’s because of the current war in Ukraine. With 50% of world exports, the country is indeed the leading exporter of sunflower oil. Due to the Russian invasion, international trade has become more difficult and Ukraine can no longer ensure its usual deliveries.

But that’s not all. If the shortage persists from week to week, it is also because, for fear of running out, consumers flocked to all the bottles of oil available on the shelves in order to have enough in reserve. A situation that can recall the first confinement in France, during the Covid-19 crisis. Several basic necessities, such as toilet paper, were missing because of many people had stocked up at home. This kind of behavior therefore only fuels the shortage of sunflower oil seen in stores.

What alternatives to sunflower oil?

Since sunflower oil cannot be found on the shelves, it is necessary to find alternatives. But what can we replace it with? There are many other vegetable oils. You can first turn to olive oil. It is even often recommended by nutritionists, more so than sunflower oil. According to Charlotte Debeugny, nutritionist, “it’s perfect for pan-frying, you have to choose it extra-virgin and soft enough to avoid having the taste in the dishes”she explained to Figaro. rapeseed oil is also a good alternative for cake recipes for example. To fry food, consider the grape seed oils and to peanut oil. Other possibilities include butter Where palm and coconut oils which, although very greasy, will allow you to cook without any problem. For salad dressings, choose walnut or hazelnut oil.

Curious and passionate about pop culture, Joséphine is a fan of music, series and even Instagram of all kinds. If she loves to follow people news and the latest …

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