Shortly before the end of the deadline – trouble with demolition notices received late

It was the revelations of the “Krone” that sparked a heated debate on the subject of building in Krems in January of the previous year. Two historic houses on Schillerstrasse are to be demolished. Late, but now the notifications for it arrived

Two 150-year-old houses are to be demolished and replaced by dozens of new apartments. Neither the monument office or the Wachau World Heritage Council nor the more than 1000 signatures that residents collected against the demolition of the historic buildings could change anything. Only the demolition notice was missing until the end.

Writing creates a stir
Until the end – because on Monday the letter arrived in the mailboxes of the neighbors. A look at the date of issue of the letter causes a stir. The document was already made out on the 10th, but it was not delivered until September 20th. The tenants only have until September 24th to appeal.

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