should we stop washing every day?

Do you really have to take a shower every day? We take stock of the minimum hygiene rules to be had.

May 15, 2021 on RTL, Michel Cymes protests against “Yankee ecologists” which advocate the extreme reduction of showers, to protect the skin and the environment. We knew the “no-poo” where the “low-poo”, which consist in washing your hair as little as possible. There are those who simply wash themselves with water, so as not to attack their skin with soap. The less we attack the hydrolipidic film, the less the skin needs to defend itself by secreting sebum. This would ultimately delay the appearance of pimples or odors and prevent dry skin.

The ultimate step is the “minimum shower” which consists of not washing every day, if not as little as possible. Should we adopt this habit? It should first be noted that excessive hygiene is unanimously denounced as counterproductive, for the reason explained above: too much washing attacks the skin. However, regarding this minimal shower idea, it all depends on what is meant by it. Do not wash every day, it is possible according to Nina Roos, dermatologist interviewed by 20 minutes : “From a medical point of view, a shower every other day is no problem. But this is socially unacceptable! ” Note that since then the situation has changed for those who telework. In the same article, one of her colleagues adds : “We are sicker washing our skin too much than not enough”. Okay so to wash less, but be careful! There are certain areas that should not be neglected, otherwise there is a risk of yeast infections and other dermatological discomforts: overall, all the folds: armpits, folds under the chest, private parts and feet (especially between the toes). Therefore obligatory cat toilet. It is also necessary to wash the face, which one touches up to 3,000 times a day.
Be careful with the choice of soap, which should be favored with a neutral pH. And prefer your hands rather than a shower flower or a washcloth. Sobriety therefore, but with a mandatory minimum.

Mathilde Wattecamps

Missions: Mathilde is an expert in subjects related to women’s rights and health. Addicted to Instagram and Twitter, never stingy with a good …