Should you be worried about a lymph node under the armpits?


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With the booster campaigns for the vaccination, and its extension, some are noticing surprising side effects. When to worry

In several European countries, one effect of the vaccine has been noticed: swelling of the lymph nodes in an armpit after the injection. Should we be worried? What is this due to? This lump under the armpits, which can affect both men and women, is actually due to a reaction on the lymph nodes. What is that ? These nodes are used to filter wastes and germs from the lymphatic system. They can swell when the body gets an infection.
When you are vaccinated, the nodes closest to the arm swell, that is, those in the armpit. “The immune system starts to recognize the antigen that we have injected”, explains to France Info Luis Texeira, oncologist at the Center for Breast Diseases at Saint-Louis Hospital in Paris. Nothing serious, it is a normal reaction of the body. This swelling normally goes away within a few days, without needing to do anything.

What possible effects of the vaccines?

Another side effect noted in women: disturbances in the menstrual cycle: abnormal bleeding, delayed periods and amenorrhea. It is mainly “non-serious, short-lived and self-limiting events”, indicates the National Medicines Safety Agency. The major side effect of the vaccine, however, is to protect against severe forms of Covid-19, and thereby relieve intensive care and a hospital system at the end of its rope.

Missions: Mathilde is an expert in subjects related to women’s rights and health. Addicted to Instagram and Twitter, never stingy with a good …

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