Sick Shannen Doherty wants to “show what a cancer patient looks like”


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Since 2015, Shannen Doherty has been fighting breast cancer. Interviewed Thursday, September 30, 2021 by Variety, the actress spoke about her daily struggle.

Diagnosed in 2015, in remission in 2017, Shannen Doherty has had a relapse since 2020. Her metastasized cancer is at stage 4. If treatment is applied to stabilize her condition, complete recovery does not seem likely according to the actress’ doctors. Despite this bad news and the bitter impression of having been put aside by the studios since the announcement of her illness, the attractive fifty-something seems to be keeping her spirits up and continues to bravely fight this battle with the uncertain outcome. In the columns from the prestigious magazine Variety, she explained her refusal to cease all professional activity, to enter a “hermit phase“. His will is driven by the motivation to bring hope to other patients.

The best example I can give to people who have cancer, as well as to the outside world that does not, is to show what a cancer patient looks like. We are fit for work. So I just try to live the best I can be the best example in this time“, she justified.


Do not stop living because of the disease

The interpreter of the witch Prue Halliwell, from 1998 to 2001 in the series Charmed, produced a short educational program on breast cancer. It will air Sunday, October 10 on the Lifetime channel following the TV movie. List of a Lifetime, where she plays the adoptive mother of a young woman who may have inherited the gene responsible for the same cancer. Besides a second TV movie, Dying to Belong, where she plays a mother demanding justice for her daughter victim of hazing, Shannen Doherty will be in the cast of the feature film The Fortress (2022), alongside Bruce Willis and Chad Michael Murray.

Elodie Falco

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