Silent anxiety attack: here are 8 signs that characterize it, according to a psychologist: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

Characterized by an unpredictable and paralyzing episode of fear, anxiety attacks are most often manifested by nausea, feelings of dizziness, chest pain, heart palpitations or tremors. Its duration varies from a few minutes to an hour, or even a little more, with an average of 20 to 30 minutes. According to Health Insurance, “during this episode, the affected person feels like they are no longer in control of the situation at all.” This crisis can also manifest itself through invisible psychological signs. In a post published on Instagram, psychologist Amélia Lobbé, specializing in depression, anxiety and emotional well-being, explained that during an anxiety attack, “you can appear calm and smiling, but have a silent anxiety attack, which manifests itself as strong inner tension”.

8 signs of a silent anxiety attack

An anxiety attack can cause numerous symptoms, both physical and psychological, which are very disabling on a daily basis. Psychological symptoms can be associated with a silent anxiety attack because they are invisible. The psychologist listed eight signs of a silent anxiety attack. Here they are :

A feeling of disconnection from reality

When you suffer from an anxiety attack, “the body is there, sometimes with a smile on the face, but the mind is elsewhere” explains the psychologist. According to her, a certain detachment from reality is felt, which can even go as far as depersonalization. A fact confirmed by Health Insurance, which highlights how a person feels during an anxiety attack: “I no longer know who I am, my body is transforming”. This is described by the professional as a symptom of dissociation. “You feel like you’re outside of yourself. We hear each other speak and act”, she adds. A sign that cannot be seen from an outside point of view.

Intrusive thoughts

When you are the victim of an anxiety attack, “certain thoughts impose themselves on you and are frightening, morbid or self-deprecating in nature” declares Amélia Lobbé. Indeed, this episode of intense fear can cause thoughts that one would not normally have.

A feeling of paranoia

Anxiety attacks most often occur without warning, so they can occur when you are in society. A factor that adds stress and anxiety to the person experiencing an episode of anxiety. According to the psychologist, this translates into “a false impression that people stare at you, resent you and find you worthless.” A situation that makes you uncomfortable and hard to live with. Especially since we have “tendency to overinterpret the attitudes and thoughts of others” adds the specialist.


Some people suffering from anxiety attacks have “intrusive thoughts that start going around in circles in their head quickly” explains the psychologist.

Difficulty thinking correctly

During an anxiety attack, our thoughts are usually very confused. This is what we call “thought inhibition caused by anxiety” according to the psychology expert. This is explained by “difficulty processing external information, reasoning, rationalizing and sorting information stored in memory”she explains.

A feeling of derealization

According to Health Insurance, it is possible, during an anxiety attack, to feel a “feeling of being in an unreal world (the environment changes in its shapes or colors, for example)”. A fact also relayed by the psychologist: “The perception of reality is altered and we have the impression that the environment has changed, that it becomes cottony, dark, bizarre and threatening… “.


When a person has an anxiety attack, they tend to feel tense and on alert. As the psychologist explains, “it’s the feeling of being in danger without knowing why and without the situation really justifying it.”

A feeling of being in danger

Feeling in danger and having diffuse apprehension are signs of an anxiety attack. This is explained by “a feeling that there is no more hope and that one’s situation is threatened” declares the specialist.

If you are prone to anxiety attacks, do not hesitate to consult a psychologist who will be able to help you best.


  • Amélia Lobbé, Instagram post
  • Panic disorder: symptoms, diagnosis and progress, Health Insurance

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