Silent Hill 2: Bloober Team is fed up, the fault of the players and Konami

Last year, Konami had organized a presentation to reveal the future of the franchise silent Hill. Many new titles have been made official, as well as a remake of Silent Hill 2 developped by Bloober Teama Polish studio known for Layers of Fear, Observe, Blair Witch or The Medium.

Since then, well Konami never talked about this remake againleaving Bloober Team suffering the wrath of fans who want information after more than a year of waiting. Some players even imagined that Silent Hil 2 was canceled, the developer answered no, obviously, but Bloober Team saturates and publishes a statement to make things clear :

At Bloober Team, we are proud to be part of Konami’s plans for the Silent Hill franchise. Alongside our partner, we are working diligently to ensure that the Silent Hill 2 Remake achieves the highest quality.

On behalf of our development team, we want to clarify that production is progressing slowly and in accordance with our schedule. We understand that many players around the world are eagerly awaiting information about the game, and we appreciate your dedication.

However, we kindly ask for your patience. Once Konami, as the game’s publisher, shares information, we are confident that the wait will have been worth it.

Thank you for your understanding and support !
Bloober Team

So, no need to harass Bloober Team for information on the Silent Hill 2 remake, it’s the Japanese publisher Konami who is in charge of communication and who will talk about the game in the future. However, after more than a year without news, there is still cause for concern… Anyway, you can pre-order Silent Hill 2 has €69.99 on Amazon.

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Editor – Tester

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