On the program in this news, we will take stock of why there is no human rights day.
A marked generational dichotomy
If March 8 is THE international day dedicated to women’s rights, some wonder why not a human rights day? Stop asking the question, you’re ruining the day! For a while, a gap is widening between women and men in the gen Z. They are more and more progressive. While they are more and more preservatives ! You only need to spend a few minutes on TikTok to come across videos of Incels, or comments under user videos to tell them “shut your mouth you dirty bitch” or else #Notallmen (#Notallmen). They deserve to be taken care of by specialized psychologists. The real concern is that there misogyny kill. No excuse to say the same goes for misandry. On this side, the real problem lies towards the patriarchy Who prevents men from expressing their emotions.
A relationship of domination
Another main problem is generalities. Why is one a problem and the other not? Because there is a relationship of domination and you have to be blind not to see it. Not knowing how to create a niche vs. attacking… good. Clearly, the problems are not the same: some men prefer to have an abusive son than a gay son, some men think it is better to be raped than to be alone, some men are more afraid of falling on A catfish than an abuser on Tinder. Even today, we regret that “certain” men are not capable of understand the common experience of half the population. If there is an international day for women’s rights and not men’s, it is for a good reason. It is not ready to disappear, because a lot of inequalities still persist and because in a certain way it allows us to remember how far we have come so far.