SIMULATOR. Compare your monthly net salary to that of the French

2,630 euros net per month: here is the average salary of private sector employees in France in 2022, according to INSEE. An average which will probably increase by almost 5% in 2023. If you are looking to compare yourself to the rest of employees, it is however better to look at the median salary: 50% earn more… and mechanically 50% earn less. Here is our simulator, to compare you effectively, and tables to perfect your analysis.

Do you earn more
or less than other employees? *

You win :

As of 01/09/2023, the minimum wage is 1,383.08 net monthly

In 2022, the median salary is 2,091 net monthly
(50% earns more, 50% earns less)

In 2022, 1% of employees earn more than 9,973 net monthly

* Source : INSEE – Salaries in the private sector 2022.

A slight catch-up of low wages in 2022

In 2022, only the purchasing power of the lowest salaries was maintained, due to the revaluations of the minimum wage in line with inflation, so that salary disparities have decreased, observes INSEE in its annual salary barometer from private, published Wednesday November 9. And for good reason, the minimum wage has mechanically increased twice during 2022, in addition to the classic increases from January 1st.

Consequently, the minimum wage increased by 5.6% over the year 2022. This allowed low salaries to catch up with higher salaries. Executive salaries thus increased by 3.9% but lost 1.2% in purchasing power, failing to rise as quickly as the rise in prices. Employee salaries increased by 4.3% over the past year.

Monthly net salaries of….WomenMenTogether
Intermediate professions2,3992,7252,572

In 2022. Source Insee.

Salary: 7 figures, averages and tables to compare you to the rest of the French

14% gap between men and women

In 2022, women earn on average 14.1% less than men on a full-time basis in the private sector, notes INSEE. A gap between the two overall averages which can be explained in particular, underlines INSEE, by an over-representation of women in the lowest salaries.

And by an over-representation of men at the top of this same scale: They represent only 22.9% of the 1% of the best paid employees, compared to 41.9% of all employees in the private sector.

Monthly net salary in 2022From women employeesFrom men employees
10% earn less than…1,4101,466
20% earn less than…1,5411,637
30% earn less than…1,6651,798
40% earn less than…1,8071,977
Median salary – 50% earn less than…1,9752,182
60% earn less than…2,1852,441
70% earn less than…2,4722,796
80% earn less than…2,9043,354
90% earn less than…3,7324,469
95% earn less than…4,7305,863
99% earn less than…8,10111,206

5400 euros: above this bar, you are part of the 5% best paid

To know precisely which stratum of the salary scale you are part of, here are the thresholds for each decile (10% of the population) of employees. An important reminder: these are the monthly net salaries for 2022. Which will increase by almost 5% in 2023, which means that the median salary will approach 2200 euros at the end of 2023, very probably around 2190 euros.

monthly net salary
Monthly net salary in 2022
10% earn less than…1,436
20% earn less than…1,591
30% earn less than…1,736
40% earn less than…1,900
Median salary – 50% earn less than…2,091
60% earn less than…2,330
70% earn less than…2,657
80% earn less than…3,159
90% earn less than…4,162
95% earn less than…5,400
99% earn less than…9,973

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