SK Hynix interested in acquiring Arm, as part of a consortium

Nathan Le Gohlisse

Hardware Specialist

March 31, 2022 at 4:04 p.m.


SK Hynix © SK Hynix

© SK Hynix

While a collective takeover of Arm by several companies is more and more often mentioned, the Korean giant SK Hynix suggests that it might be interested in participating.

SK Hynix would be ready to put marbles in Arm. This is what we learn from TechPowerUpwhich reports that the Korean brand, specializing in particular in RAM and semiconductors, would be ready to participate in the takeover of the British group as part of a consortium.

SK Hynix is ​​interested in Arm

SK Hynix is ​​therefore added to the growing list of companies that have expressed a more or less marked interest in Arm. Before her, Intel or Qualcomm had also positioned themselves.

Other market players would also be in favor of a joint takeover project for Arm. A relevant solution to avoid a direct confrontation with the regulators, as was the case with the takeover project initiated almost two years ago by NVIDIA for 40 billion dollars… a project that the brand would drop.

I don’t believe Arm is a company that can be bought by just one company commented Park Jung-ho, Vice President and CEO of SK Hynic. ” It is not necessary to buy the majority of its shares to be able to control the company he continued, suggesting that a partial investment in Arm might be enough to serve SK Hynix’s interests.

Source: TechPowerUp

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