Skiff Mail private messaging service reaches the symbolic milestone of one million users


Florent Lanne

August 13, 2023 at 12:30 p.m.


email secure messaging


The platform Skiff Mail passed the one million user mark.

Skill Mail is one of the hottest email services lately. The platform plays the card of transparency and offers anyone the possibility of inspecting its source code to verify its statements in terms of data compliance.

skiff logo

Open source, secure and data-friendly messaging

Launched only 14 months ago, Skiff Mail announces today on its Twitter account that it has passed the symbolic milestone of one million users. This e-mail service, also offered as part of an open source and encrypted online office suite, is part of a logic of free and protected communication. To do this, Skiff applies end-to-end encryption to all its e-mails and offers some interesting features to its users with regard to respect for privacy.

Regarding the functions that Skiff Mail provides for the user, we can mention in particular the possibility of creating up to 15 aliases for the same mailbox. This specificity allows the user to “hide” his main address, in order to preserve his digital identity for certain written exchanges.

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  • Fully open-source
  • E2E encryption
  • Secure and relevant collaborative features

Skiff offers a complete suite consisting of a high-performance email for collaboration, a secure online calendar, a complete word processor and an efficient cloud storage module. It is not flawless, however, due to certain somewhat limited functionalities on each of these web applications and an interface in English only. However, the set remains relevant for startups, all for an affordable price.

Skiff offers a complete suite consisting of a high-performance email for collaboration, a secure online calendar, a complete word processor and an efficient cloud storage module. It is not flawless, however, due to certain somewhat limited functionalities on each of these web applications and an interface in English only. However, the set remains relevant for startups, all for an affordable price.

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