Skin care: tips for the change of season

Redness, pimples, itching – many start into autumn with skin problems. This can be prevented well. Here are a few tips.

The skin itches and tightens, in the worst case it is even reddened in places. For most people, the beginning of autumn is also accompanied by pimples, redness and a feeling of tension. With these tips, the skin won't bother with the change of season.

It starts with the shower

Of course you want to enjoy a hot shower when the temperatures are cooler. But lukewarm water is better, because water that is too hot dries out the skin. A long, hot bath in particular really leaches out the skin, so the temperature of the bath water should be a maximum of 25 degrees. In order for the skin to retain its protective film, you should definitely use a moisturizing bath additive.

Regular application of lotion is mandatory in autumn and should be part of the routine after every shower. Why is that so important? Paradoxically, water removes moisture from the skin, the body lotion restores the skin's barrier function. It is not just in winter that you should resort to particularly rich care products that contain the moisture binder urea. On the face, special cold creams help to supply the skin with moisture and at the same time protect it from the cold.

Cream what it takes

Gentle peelings primarily help against the typical rough areas on elbows and knees and at the same time remove dead skin. The skin can better absorb the subsequent care and is optimally cared for. Care oils are recommended here, which can work wonders, especially against the tense grater skin on the shins. Oils are also recommended for facial care in autumn. It doesn't always have to be an expensive special product – you can also try argan or olive oil, two well-tried classics for beautiful skin.

The skin is particularly thirsty in autumn

Dry skin is not only uncomfortable, it also promotes wrinkling. Therefore, oils should not only be used externally, but should also be mixed abundantly into food. Linseed oil, for example, can be mixed well into yogurt or muesli in the morning, olive oil also nourishes the skin from within. No matter which oil you choose, the only important thing is that it is vegetable and cold-pressed.

Furthermore, omega-3 fatty acids help against dry skin, which are contained in particularly high doses in salmon and other types of oily fish such as mackerel and walnuts. And of course you should drink at least two liters of water a day so that the body gets enough fluids.
