Smic, retirement, bank charges, stamp … What changes for your budget on January 1, 2022

If the prices of gas and electricity are frozen until further notice, at the start of the year, it is the same: a number of measures have an effect on the wallets of MoneyVox readers (and others) . Here’s what to expect from January 1, 2022.

Revaluation of the minimum wage

Following the acceleration of inflation in November (2.8% over one year), as of January 1, 2022, the gross hourly minimum wage will automatically increase to 10.57 euros per hour, an increase of 0.9%. On the basis of a 35-hour contract, its monthly amount is therefore 1603.12 euros, i.e. a net amount of 1269euros against 1258euros today.

Smic, taxes, livret A, rents … These automatic increases with inflation 2.8%

Revaluation of retirement pensions

The basic retirement pensions will be revalued by + 1.1% on January 1, 2022. This rate depends on the consumer price index noted in October (2.6%) and on a calculation formula based on the ratio between the annual average of inflation excluding tobacco for two periods, that going from November 2019 to October 2020 and that going from November 2020 to October 2021. An annual adjustment rule which this time results in + 1.1%, which appears indeed as disadvantageous for withdrawals in the face of inflation approaching 3%.

Bank charges: prices will go up

The increase in bank charges in 2022 is expected to remain below inflation in general. However, like every year, the prices of certain operations are skyrocketing.

EXCLUSIVE. Bank charges 2022: soaring prices

Housing tax is going through its last hours

This is the last step in reducing the housing tax before it is completely abolished in 2023. For households representing the most affluent 20% of French people, the abolition of the housing tax began in 2021. The Finance law for 2020 specified the conditions for progressive exemption: reduction of 30% in 2021, reduction of 65% in 2022 then total elimination in 2023.

Real estate: stricter credit conditions

The High Council for Financial Stability (HCSF) has decided to tighten the rules for real estate credit on January 1, 2022: no loan over 25 years will be granted and no more than 35% of the debt ratio will be tolerated. A setting that will benefit buyers with a substantial budget and a high standard of living.

Real estate prices: are Parisians the kings of oil in the provinces?

Building permit online

From January 1, 2022, a user will be able to submit his application for a building permit online, at any time and wherever he is, in a simplified process and free of charge, indicates the Minister of Ecology. In addition, municipalities with more than 3,500 inhabitants will also have to provide their education in the form of dematrialization.

MaPrimeRenov ‘: 3 new grants to finance its work in 2022

Satisfied with the results of her MaPrimeRenov ‘brand, the Minister of Housing Emmanuelle Wargon is launching MaPrimeRenov’ Srnit and Mon Accompagnateur Renov ‘on January 1, 2022 under the France Renov group. A new loan will also be offered to finance the renovation work.

New penalty on the most polluting vehicles

The automobile penalty, a tax applied to the most polluting vehicles to be paid during registration, will change on January 1. The penalty will apply from 128 grams of CO2 / km (instead of 133 grams of CO2 / km in 2021) with, for this level of pollution, a tax of 50, explains Several slices exist.

Bank charges : until 259 € savings thanks to our comparator

Free contraception for women under 25

From January 1, 2022, contraception, and the costs associated with it, will become free for 3 million women under 25. Until now, the initiative has been reserved for minors.

The price of the stamp increases

La Poste is forecasting an increase in mail rates of 4.7% on average on January 1, 2022. The price of the red stamp for priority letters will rise by 15 cents, which will drop to 1.43 euros.

La Poste: stamp prices will rise again in 2022

A new 2euros coin

To celebrate the French presidency of the European Union, but also to mark the 20th anniversary of the Euro, the government announced that a new 2euro coin would be put into circulation on January 1st.

20 years later, has the euro reduced your purchasing power?

Water is free in bars and restaurants

Since the law on the fight against waste and the circular economy of 2020, a new obligation appears in article L541-15-10 of the Environmental Code. Drinking outlets, like catering establishments, are required to clearly indicate on their card or in a display area the possibility for consumers to request free drinking water. These establishments must give their customers access to cold or tempered drinking water, corresponding to drinking use. Sant!

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