SNCF expects 475,000 passengers for the first weekend of the year

This represents an increase of 14% compared to the same period in 2018. Air France is also forecasting more compared to last weekend.

More passengers are expected on SNCF trains than before the health crisis for the first weekend of the year, Air France also counting on increased traffic.

Some 475,000 travelers are expected by the SNCF between Friday and Sunday for the last weekend of the Christmas holidays, or 14% more than in 2018, said the rail operator. The end of the year 2019 had been amputated by a strike movement and 2020 by the health crisis. A total of 1,623 TGV and Ouigo will circulate over the period, according to SNCF, which expects “no significant cancellations”.

On the air side, Air France says it expects 185,000 passengers on board 1,385 flights on January 1 and 2, ie 60% more travelers than for the first weekend of 2021. This level of activity will correspond to 79% of that of pre-crisis and will be three points above the December average level.

Despite the spread of the Omicron variant which has led many airlines around the world to cancel flights due to contaminated pilots and crews, Air France does not foresee “any impact on its flight program”, claiming to be able to rely on it. when needed on its reserve crew system.

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