Social Builder shows that digital professions are accessible to all


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Becoming a developer, training in code, becoming a digital project manager, does that seem inaccessible to you? Social Builder, however, accompanies all women towards these paths.

Social Builder is an association that has existed for 10 years, and whose mission is to support women in a field where they are not very present: that of digital and technical professions in digital. It also disseminates its ways of working on inclusion by training other integration actors. The structure articulates three pillars: orientation, to introduce these professions in a simple and engaging way; training with qualifying certifying or diploma courses, to move towards professions that are recruiting; and finally the professional integration part.

Social Builder sets up partnerships with companies for this purpose, so that they accompany their employees until employment with mentoring. Emmanuelle, Founder and President Explain : “We have a muscular approach to professional integration, we work a lot on the professional project from A to Z so that women don’t drop out and to get them to work.” But what trades are we talking about exactly? All those who recruit where there are few women: development professions, those of project manager, those of IT security, those of the cloud and those of data… There are 40 career paths in digital technology, and as many opportunities.

Socialbuilder to train at all levels

Another advantage of Social Builder? “We also train women who create their own business in digital and entrepreneurship to be able to better market their product and benefit from a host of professional tools to be effective”, says Emmanuelle, who specifies that self-employment is not to be neglected. The association trains women regardless of their initial level of education.

Emmanuelle clarifies: “We work a lot with female job seekers and we have lots of different jobs to offer, with opportunities for all profiles. for example those for mobile applications. For others, we will need more methodological skills such as project management.”

Test and find patterns

One of the lines of the association is also to create the conditions for discovering these professions in situ, without jargon, with role models, because the human being functions as a mirror for learning. For example, “we can allow a woman to program a small app that she uses every day on her smartphone, as a gateway to discovering the profession of developer” illustrates Emmanuelle. Their chatbot Adabot allows you to carry out business tests, to discover them and then to be in contact with training organizations. Social Builder also takes into account the fact that women are more likely to take on the problems of childcare, but also of violence. Through adapted schedules, hybrid training between face-to-face and physical but also partnerships with associations, the structure takes into account these particularities and particular situations. Emmanuelle reminds us: “We want to work with women with very different profiles, backgrounds and horizons; they can be women with life accidents, retrainings.”

Visit their website to discover their programs accessible in France.

Missions: Mathilde is an expert in subjects related to women’s rights and health. Addicted to Instagram and Twitter, never stingy with a good …

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